Mission Fields » Andaman & Nicobar Island


An external territory of India in the Bay of Bengal, formed in 1872 by uniting the Andaman Islands and Nicobar Islands under one administration.

The first settlement was established in North Andaman in 1789. Attempts at colonisation were untimely given up but the penal settlement survived. Then came the Revolt of India in 1857, First War of Indian Independence (The Mutiny) and the British used Andamans as prison for rebel convicts. The Construction of Celular Jail in Port Blair was taken up in 1896 and completed in 1900 (It is a national Memorial now). By January 1938 all prisoners were released.

The Islands were occupied by the Japanese in March 1945 and resettled by the government of India in October 1945. On November 01, 1956 the Islands became Union Territory administered by Lt. Governor. The Islands have one MP and no Legislative and Rajya Sabha members.

The capital Port Blair on the southeast shore of the south Andaman Island. Occupied in 1789 by Capt. Archibald Blair, R.N, it was named Port Cornwallis and was abandoned after two years, but was resettled and named Port Blair after the name of Capt. Archibald Blair.

On April 29, 1979 the then Gen, Superintendent Rev. K. Satinvela and the then General Missions Director Rev. Lerthansung visited to preach the full gospel. They were the first UPC-NEI members to carry the gospel on these islands and subsequently and by the approval of the Executive Board, the Islands came under the adminstration of General Missions Department.

The General Missions Board meeting dt. 28.7.1979 Resolution for appointment of Evan. Fouj Singh as full time (worker as an) Evangelist and his pay of Rs 150 p.m was also approved with effect from October 1, 1979 (vide Ex. Br. Res. No 7, dt. Aug 23, 1979). So the Islands came under the UPC N.E.I General Missions Deptt. From 1979 to 1987. In obedience to the India Missionary, Rev. George Shalm the Islands were handed over to the India unit UPC. As time went by, with the approval of Regional Director for Asia, Rev. Lynden Garth Shalm the North East India UPC Executive Board resolved to resume the missions work on the Islands and restarted the ministry from 2007 and subsequently the Executive Board was the incharge of the Islands (vide Ex. Bd Res No. 8, dt 13- 6, April, 2007).

The Executive board (vide Ex. Bd. Res no. 11, dt. April 13-18,2011) handed over the Islands to the General Missions Department on January 01, 2012 alongwith Orissa Missions Field. As the General Missions Conference passed a resolution (vide Gen. Conf. Res. No 1 of 19/4/2013) to open Andaman & Nicobar Island Missions Field, this Mission Field was opened on 22nd September 2013 (vide GMB Res. No. 19 of Dt. 19/4/13).

Names of workers – Address

  • Director i/c & Treasurer – Pastor Cht Lalramnghaka
  • Secretary – Evan. Alagar Kumar, Gharacharma


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  • Director i/c & Treasurer – Pastor Cht Lalramnghaka
  • Secretary – Evan. Alagar Kumar, Gharacharma